The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio (2024)

THE CHRONICLE. TOE BAT flf MEXICO 0. DUCED RATES WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER farther mformatkMi call on or address nearest B. tt O.

Agent or ML G. Carrd. D. P. B.

ft To pbiats in the United and Mexico, Tourist with lone limits for re- II2I-J-IO4 Amooa; all people great attention la paid to the hat of the masculine visitor. That emblem of grandeeship, as Richard Ford called It, at otuse and carefully placed on a chair quite su if it were a person, says Modern Mexico. It must be treated with respect. A table Is also a proper place for it. bat a hair better.

Especially Is the top hat distinguished etiquette: It Implies that Use wearer Cmriataa Dee. jt. ami Jam. 1904, fare and a ronttd trip within 150 milei Jan. 4, 1004.

tisstajt and Catiforata and points; one way sec- tickets very km Tletefa on sale until Nor. jo. Is a real aenor, a true caballero, and it to honored with careful treatment See that It la allowed to repose on a chair safe from casoal knocks or jars. In common parlance, the toe hat is "unachis- ten," a facetious word. and.

speakint seriously, it is "an sombrero decopa." or Chicago; Nov. so, 30 and flaw fare pins $oo round Limit Dec. 7th. trip, 125 Nov. xs ad one-third, round limit NOT.

30. and 26, trip 150 109122 The Real Estate Man old times, Mexlcane. aa well er Spaniards of eodal-rank. wore the eoeked hat. Immortalised in Alarcon's story of the "Sombrero de Tree The three- cornered hat.

properly speaking, affected by people in times agoae wae called the "sombrero de tree candiles." Boys of the lower classes wear cheep straw sombreros to school, and the marvel is that they ever dlsUhcuiah them for they are at much alike aa peas In a pod. But return to our muttons, so te say: the hat aa a symbol of It is nowadays the tall hat. the "topper the auk hat, stovepipe, or what you will 'Gobemadores" wear it. aenatora aad deputies aad lawyers, of course, thongk in Mexican cities the younger affect Jaunty straw hate in warjn wroth er. aad often The grandees of the first class of Spate -HkB fins rtty propertiec for sale in country.

This is your time MO MILL STREET RAWSON 1 660 BELL. RED 1 1 9 'decopa alta." It la an emblem of social rank, and lawyers often, wear it from tuonuns: till night. The sombrero do paja. or straw hat, may be of many degrees of fineness. Sometimes it has a gold or silver cord, and is worn by well to do raacheros or great hactendados on proper Women on horesback In the country; and formerly In the city, wore handsome sombreros.

The sombrero of felt, with its ornaments, may cost any where from It is the gala hat for horse back on days of fiestas, and in the coun try regions te affected by the prosperous. Remember that the hat. in any form, is something to respect. It is taken off as a sign of regard and deference, or of melt courteBy. The sombrero calanes is the Andalus- ian hat of low crown and broad brim.

hat of the bullfighter on the street, where he receives the homage of the admiring populace, especially of the email boy, tm It has its epochsof coming into quite general use, and. is far more picturesque than the staldand prim derby. The latter bat is much affected by the city youth of Mexico, but it is foreign, alien and an erotic. It is- ridiculous when worn horseback under the ardent Andaluja. have the prlvlttteoC remaining covered in the presence of their sovereign, the other day the young Kins; Alfonso receiving; a party of spbtemen'of tilgt degree, who approached him uncovered said, alters mordent: "Coveryourselves eeccrts." which is the ancient etiquette the hat in Spanish tradition sctnal Jifo a part differ- ins ASTONISHED HIM.

Tmltt WHO WILL SUPPLY YOUR EVERY WANT WATCH CHANGES IN THESE ADS STORIES ABOUT Ft. If no easy matter for a vonfi'-iftj with, the triple the roy 'i re men)- a writer sitting, npon eT- at a kId. i at him, he the fined him in ami determiueu to delight the old fellow aad amuse myself by carrying on a skilful dialogue in his own idiom. This is how I succeeded: "How do thee do, sir? la--that S. Steam Dyeing and Dry Cleaning CLEVELAND, O.


Book News I ELDRED'S WINDOW. -v Complete Line of LEATHER GOODS. LADIES' WRIST BAGS TRAVELING SETS MUSIC ROLLS, ETC. THEM FOR YOURSELF. iMred's Book Store uke you, that cannot do me anv harm in Some years ago Sir Charles slop- daunt witnessed in Scotland a strange battle between an eagle and a which completely dispels any theory that the ornithologist may pat forward aa to eagles not attacking large aal- mats.

says The Scotsman. The bird singled out from a herd one particular nick, which it succeeded in driving from the rest It struck the animal eatedly witn ita powerful wings, tnocked it down and finally killed it. Baron Schroeder witnessed a still more remarkable spectacle. An eagle at' tacked a fawn which was one of a herd in the Highlands. The cries of the little one were aaswerd by ita dam.

which sprang upon the eagle and struck It repeatedly with its forefeet Pawn, deer and eagle rolled headlong a declivity, and the bird was dislodged from its hold and the fawn rescued. But Sir Kenneth Mackenaie Vnows a more UiriHing story than either of these, for. according to report, an eagle was rent in twain daring a battle in his forest of Goirtbob. Plx- ing its talons in the quarters of a roe. the bird was flashed against tree, to "Friend" -In undress Branch of wlsiVh it endeavored to to stay flight of captive.

The bird was halved in an instant Many traditions are extant as to eagles having carried off and devoured children. In the north of England the legend is perpetuated by the name of many an inn. the sign. "The Eagle and the Child" being common. The recent case bearing close scrutiny appears to be one which occurred in South Africa.

A Boer fanner, living on the veldt just beyond Barberton, whose stock had been harried by eagles, lay in ambush for the aerial robbers and saw one of them descend and carry off the five-year-old child of one of his Kaffir sen-ants. He shot che bird, which, with the child still in its grip, fell into a thorn bush. bird was dead when picked up, but the babe was little hurt- The eagle measured nine feet from tip to tip of the- wings. Other stories are told to a similar end. but appear less credible thau this one- Two eagles will stalk a covert concert.

While one conceals itself the other beats about the bushes with a great screaming, driving oat its quarry for tfte hidden eag-Ie to sweep down and make an end of it An even more insidious method has been observed, when an eagle, detecting a sheep on thr --T Te of a precipice, flew at It screaming shrilly, and with forceful beat of wing hurled it into the valley where it could devour it at its leisure. There is good reason for be- eving, after all, the ancient legend to the manner in which Aeschylus, the Greek poet, met hia death, it is aaJd that an eagle dropped a turtle on his bald head. Algerian travelers aw familiar with the sight of eagles carrying turtles and tortoises to a height and dropping: them npon rocks to break the creatures' shells and render the Sesh accessible. APOTHECARY CONFECTION ART. DON'T RAVI A COLD AND KEEP SEE BAKER Baker'sDrugStore BARBER SHOPS.


A. FRANCIS Beat Jtotfn DRY GOODS AND NOTIO1 F. BiHh, Hotel Andwttr Barber Shop A good place to get a divorce from your is Hotel Andwnr Barber Shop. Facial Massage you Try ft. Four expert barbers.

up. Gents 1 Furnishing Overalls and Jackets Dress Shirts and Ties Working Shirts etc etc. TOM MONROE, 606 Lodl St. INSURANCE. BUTTERINE.

"GROUND IMtURB Yoav Ufa nod Yow Have yon tried BUTTERINE? Uniform in Qualify Oheaper than Batter Try a Pound. EMMONS BAKERY, 531 W. Broad SI a E. of GRIIWOU) BUSINESS COLLEGES. OUR NIGHT SCHOOL.

Enables yon to prepare for a first- class position without loss of time from yoor work. "Time is if spent in taking a course in our school. Same subjects and teachers as in our day school. Elyria Business College Co. ON SHORT NOTICE DAN EASON jet Lodl Street BOOTS AND SHOES Che any harm in return." and ff lo preserve and restore it, there is no better pre- cn t.on for men, women and children than Ripans They are easy to take.

They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people- but to the plain, everyday folks they are veritable friends need. Ripans Tabules have become their standard remedy, with a long and successful record to cure in digestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness muscular rheumatism, sour stomach bowel and liver compjaints. They strengthen weak atom' achs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good and sound natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. druggist sells them.

The five-cent packet is enough far an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, contams supply for a year. H-I-P-A-N-S a as when they do it to he controlled arirj-IraMy. All he cH.d was ana "Hey?" "The t.hp birds, the flowers." "are enonjrh tr sr thott (jrF-ams -1 dreams tc hon." He was me now, and crtt- iHy. foit a my syntax had been very -rlfoHf.

of ulin.niatir; so piping the sweat from rny and hat. I eyed him calmly, and observed: "Those cows, arc they thy's--or thee's--that is. thmfK--drat, it I tbine's?" It was very nnfortunate. He crawled down from the fence, nibbled at a plug of tobacco, and. as he ambled away muttered indignantly: "Go to Bedlam! I'm a fanner, but, thank heaven.

I'm not a loonatic!" A MATTER OF MUCILAGE. IB e- It EASIEST SHOE ON EARTH Dr. Readfa CnaUon Shoe For Met and Women. Sure care for Bunions, Hot, Cold, Tired and Tea der Feet Exclusive Agent ELYRIA BLOCK SHOE STORE Smith Peon. 626 SECOND PH3NE 3SS COAL AND LAKE ICE.

FOR MOVING VANS Can 35 on Either Phone. HAD AWAY BROft, LIVERY, Good Storage for of PHYMCIAJtt. Offlcn Houra 1 8 to 3 mis? 6 TTnder Title. A white-haired matron was listening, In company with a young man from the state department, to the music of a pianist The selections were all new to the young man till the "Wedding March" of Mendelssohn began "That's familiar." said he. "I'm not strong on music, but I know I'Te heard that before.

What Is it?" The matron's eyes twinkled with mischief. "That." said she, "is "--Washington Port. Aleokolie. Scrappy--Kelly says he wns one nv de old Fourt' ward gang. Muggsy--Fourt' ward nuttin'l Re llTed in de old Tirty-second ward at BelleTue ever since he wus old enough MU da top off a Y.

Sun, VtsM Is Meaer. Mr time being my only BOMT. I hereafter hold the bores who of the most delicate operations performed by the government bureau of gravlng and painting the gumming of postage-stamps. After the stamps printed in great sheets they are passed under a roller, from which they receive a thfn coating of pmn. and then gradually over coils of steampipes unt hey are dried.

Great care is necessary get the layer uniform on every par of the surface. The gum in Httl from which it drops to the roller maintained at an even temperature and thickness. Tests are made hourl; of the warmth and humidity of th workroom. Even with the perfection of mechanical exactness some allowance must be made for the season of the year. For summer sale a slightly harder gum is used, because of the trouble from stamps sticking together.

In winter precaution against the cracking of the gummed surface through contraction is necessary. A third grade of the material, for other seasons, is known as "intermediate." It would provoke much popular discontent If for one month the postage- tamps should be improperly gummed. tt might even attract more attention than some knotty problems of international policy. About ten years ago there was a two-cent issue which caused much trouble, and one dissatisfied patriot wrote to the president of the United States, whom he opposed politically, this sharp message: "Please put more stlcknm on the stamps; give us what we want In LOfMM A ELYRIA I CO. offlwss? I.

F. FAUVER, Mr. No.6l2Lodi Street. Moma Phono W. 14 Bell Phono I8B AND TINWARE.

CONTRACTORS BUILDERS. "I said Hi Tragedy, "that while yon were playing in one of the western towns a fire broke oat in the theater." "Yea," anld Lowe Comedy, "and there might have heea a horrible penU but for oaa thing." "What waa that?" 'There weren't enough people la fix audience to rtee. HINKSON HALPIN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 30 Chestnut Street WorkaSfwchUty. Fhrturw, Stmhrlnc. Etc.

CM our CM- mate tottlnc for any of CarpwitM-or Oatainot Work. DOMESTIC. YOUR COAL BILL to, Cents Per Dny oy Ua- SPECIAL HOT BLAST KEATBR F. WHITNEY SON Broad Street. Best family sewing machine in the WORLD Call, write, or'pbooe for prices to M.

N. TERRY, MI Garaa Ave Elyria O. Phone W. 88 All nuMfatnm repartod and work faanatoadi TOBACCO 4 CONFECTIONERY GROCERIES. NEW FIGS NEW DATES MALAGA GRAPES FLORIDA ORANGES English Walnuts, Hickory Note and ICECREAM Delivered to any part of the city at 36 fcents a O.

F. NICHOLS, Jr. PHONE W-81 28 567 cor. W-llver, ELYEI Bulk Oysters B. H.

STARR 3O Geutm Qumri SavaMi ARGAINS IN SOAP. Key Seep it ben far Golden OMne Water Sonp je a 4C a.

The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.