New to Medicare?
Are you new to Medicare, or to billing Medicare claims to CGS? CGS is here to help, and we welcome you to the Medicare program. This page contains basic information and resources to get you started. Part B providers should become familiar with all of the resources listed on this page as well as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website.
CGS encourages all providers to use these resources to research issues and verify the answers to their Medicare questions prior to calling the Provider Contact Center for assistance. As a provider, you are held accountable for understanding information you receive from CMS and CGS. Please share this information with your staff as appropriate.
If you submitted your completed CMS 855-A enrollment application, and received a letter from CGS welcoming you as a Medicare certified provider, please proceed on with the steps detailed below. If not, please review the Provider Enrollment web page for information on becoming a Medicare-certified provider.
To Get Started
Step 1: Enroll in the CGS Email Notification Service
Sign up for the CGS Email Notification Service, which is the primary means used by CGS to communicate new or changing Medicare information with providers. CGS also communicates information via Facebook and LinkedIn
. Subscribe now and you will always be "in the know" when it comes to Medicare.
Step 2: Become familiar with the CGS and CMS Websites
Access the CGS Part B Website for a variety of educational, billing, and coverage information.
Please note the "Search" function on the web site. Use this to receive a listing of CGS web pages or documents containing the word(s) entered in your search.
Familiarize yourself with important information found on the CMS Web site.
- Official site for CMS, the federal agency that administers Medicare
- Current updates and information regarding Medicare
- Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Products
- Web-based Training Modules
offered by CMS
- Become familiar with the information accessible from the "main pages."
The CGS web site also contains "Helpful Links" to Medicare information found on other Web sites, including the CMS web site.
Step 3: Enroll and Learn About Electronic Billing and myCGS
Read the Electronic Enrollment Packet. This packet provides information about submitting your claims electronically to Medicare. You must bill your claims electronically, unless you meet the exception for a small provider. Complete the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) forms, which can be accessed from the Electronic Enrollment Packet. The EDI forms must be completed online by typing your information directly into the application form. Once completed, print the application, obtain an authorized signature, and fax it to the fax number indicated on the form.
The CGS Web Portal, myCGS is a web-based application developed specifically to serve the needs of health care providers and their staff. The myCGS application provides a variety of functions from checking beneficiary eligibility, viewing and print Remittance Advices, to submitting Redeterminations and medical documentation. Access to myCGS is available 24/7, and is free of charge for all CGS providers. The myCGS User Manual provides detailed information about accessing and obtaining information from the myCGS web portal.
Step 4: Get Acquainted with Medicare
Below is a list of critical resources you will need for providing and billing Medicare-covered services. Consider bookmarking these web addresses for future reference.
Part B Education
- Provides information about upcoming webinars, teleconferences and workshops for providers. Updated frequently. Please check this page often.
- Types of Educational Events and Definitions:
- Webinars: participate through Internet connections (for visual) and telephone (for audio)
- Teleconference: participate through telephone
- Workshop: face-to-face, instructor led educational event – participants will need to travel to workshop site to participate.
- Register for CGS-sponsored events and details for how to register for partnering events.
Part B Medicare Bulletin
- Monthly newsletter published by CGS
- Accessed from the " left side menu link.
- Provides updates, clarifications and/or corrections to Medicare guidelines, coverage and reimbursement
CMS Internet-Only Manual System
- Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (CMS Pub. 100-02)
- Medicare Claims Processing Manual (CMS Pub. 100-04)
- Medicare National Coverage Determinations (NCD) Manual (CMS Pub. 100-03)
- Medicare Program Integrity Manual (CMS Pub. 100-08) – Chapter 1
contains Medical Review requirements and information about the benefit integrity program.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System
Automated self-service tool that assists home health and hospice providers with answers to various Medicare questions, including:
- Beneficiary eligibility information (Medicare Part B or B enrollment dates: Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) record effective/termination dates; Medicare Advantage plan enrollment dates; home health episode dates; hospice benefit period dates, etc.)
- Claim status information (beginning and ending dates of claim; total charges submitted on claim; status of claim; etc.)
- Check information (the date and amount of the most recent check or the amount for a specific check)
- General information (most requested telephone numbers and addresses, hours of operation, remittance advice code definitions; and appeal rights information.
Refer to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System User Guidefor additional information.
Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) / Coverage
- Active LCDs
are policies developed by CGS. They are available from the Medicare Coverage Database and provide guidance concerning Medicare coverage and payment when no national policy exists.
Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) Program
- Gain an understanding of the CERT program established by CMS to ensure contractors are paying claims appropriately and how this impacts you as a Medicare provider.
Updated: 11.29.21