Q: What is a Medicare Advantage HMO Advantage HMO plan?
A: A Medicare Advantage HMO Advantage HMO plan is offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare Advantage HMO to provide you with all your Medicare Advantage HMO Part A (hospital) and Part B (medical) benefits. It is a health maintenance organization, or HMO. That means it provides care through a network of providers. Care is coordinated through the primary care physician (PCP), who may refer people to specialists as needed. Referrals are generally required to see specialists.
Q: What is a What is a Medicare Advantage HMO POS Advantage HMO POS plan?
A: A What is a Medicare Advantage HMO POS Advantage HMO POS also provides care through a network of providers. However, it includes a point of service (POS) feature, which allows members to receive health care services outside of the network with authorization from the plan, although use of providers within the network is encouraged.
A: A networkis a group ofdoctors and other health care professionals, medical groups, hospitals and other health care facilities that have an agreement with us todeliver covered services to members in our plan. The providers in our network generally bill us directly for care they give you. When you see a network provider, you usually pay only your share of the cost for their services.
Q: Where can I get information about basic Where can I get information about basic Medicare terms terms?
A: We want you to make an informed decision about your Where can I get information about basic Medicare terms health plan. That’s why we created a glossarylocated in your state's Where can I get information about basic Medicare terms Basics page.
Q: Should I still keep my red, white and blue Keep my WellCare Member ID Medicare Card card?
A: Yes. However, as long as you are a member of our plan you must useyour Wellcare Member ID Keep my WellCare Member ID Medicare Card card to get covered medical services (with the exception of clinical research studies and hospice services). Keep Wellcare Member ID Keep my WellCare Member ID Medicare Card card in a safe place in case you need it later. If your Wellcare ID card is damaged, lost or stolen, Contact Usright away, and we will send you a new card.
Q: If I do not like my Wellcare plan, can I go back to original If I do not like my WellCare plan?
A: Of course. You do not lose your If I do not like my WellCare plan benefits when you join our plan. However, there are limits on when and how often you can change your If I do not like my WellCare plan Advantage plan. Contact Usto find out more.
Q: I would like to get my medications (drugs) sent directly to my home. How to I sign-up to receive my prescription drugs and order refills through mail service delivery?
A: You can fill your prescription at any network pharmacy. You can also fill your prescription through our preferred mail order service. This can save you time, money, and trips to the pharmacy.
Find more information about receiving your prescriptions through mail service delivery on our Express Scripts® Pharmacy Mail Order Servicepage.
Q: How do I get permission to receive services?
A: You can get service authorizations from you primary care provider (PCP) or from specialists you're referred to.
Q: Will I have the same coverage as I do with Original Will I have the same coverage?
A: Our plans are required to cover all services and procedures that are covered by Original Will I have the same coverage. However, our plans also offer extra benefits not covered by Original Will I have the same coverage, which may include routine dental, routine hearing, routine vision and prescription drug coverage.Please note that, as a member of our plan, your use/participation in a limited number of services, such as clinical research studies and hospice services, will be paid for directly by Will I have the same coverage. Becoming a member of our plan does not make you ineligible to receive these services.
Q: Can I receive emergency care?
A: You have the right to emergency care, when needed, anywhere in the United States and without pre-approval from us.
Q: Do HMO or HMO POS plans cover services that Do HMO or HMO POS plans cover services that Medicare does not consider medically necessary does not consider medically necessary?
A: An HMO or HMO POS plan is not required to pay for services that are not medically necessary under Do HMO or HMO POS plans cover services that Medicare does not consider medically necessary. However, WellCare plans do pay for additional benefits not covered by Original Do HMO or HMO POS plans cover services that Medicare does not consider medically necessary. If you receive a service that is not covered by our plan, you are responsible for the cost of that service. If you are not sure whether a service is covered, you have the right tocall usand ask for an advance decision.
Q: What do I need to do to get care?
A: Our plans work just like a traditional health insurance. Just show your Wellcare Member ID card (instead of your What do I need to do to get care card) at the doctor's office. You may have a co-payment due at that time.
Q: What happens if my doctor is not familiar with Wellcare What happens if my doctor is not familiar with WellCare Advantage Plans?
A: If your doctor or health care provider would like more information about Wellcare, ask him or her to contact us. Our Customer Service representatives are ready to answer questions.
Q: Can Wellcare ever drop my coverage?
A: Once you are enrolled, you cannot be disqualified for any medical condition. However, if you move out of our service area or commit fraud, Wellcare reserves the right to disenroll you.All Can WellCare ever drop my coverage Advantage plans commit to their members for a full year. Each year, WellCare decides whether to continue a plan for another year. Even if a Can WellCare ever drop my coverage Advantage Plan is discontinued at the end of a benefit year, you will not lose Can WellCare ever drop my coverage coverage. If your plan is discontinued, Wellcare must notify you in writing at least 60 days before your coverage ends. The letter will explain your other options for Can WellCare ever drop my coverage coverage in your area.
Q: What if I need to talk to a nurse?
A: One of the perks of being a Wellcare member is our 24-hour Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-581-9952. (TTY users dial 711)Our nurses will give you answers to your medical questions and help you decide whether or not to see your doctor or go to the emergency room. Nurses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also find the number on the back of your Member ID card.
Q: Do I still have to pay my Pay my Medicare Part B premium Part B premium?
A: Yes. When you join a Wellcare plan, you must continue to pay your Pay my Medicare Part B premium Part B premium unless it's paid for you by Medicaid or another third party. If you meet certain eligibility requirements for both Pay my Medicare Part B premium and Medicaid, your Part B premium may be covered in full. Some of WellCare's Plans help by reducing your Pay my Medicare Part B premium Part B premium.The reduction is set up by Pay my Medicare Part B premium and administered through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Depending on how you pay your Pay my Medicare Part B premium Part B premium, your reduction may be credited to your Social Security check or credited on your Pay my Medicare Part B premium Part B premium statement. Reductions may take several months to be issued. However, you will receive a full credit.